Antique Walking bear automaton by Roullet Descamps


A rare antique walking brown bear automaton, by Roullet & Decamps,
circa 1900
R & D company catalogue number 76,
A touch of animal magic...
When wound by key-wind single-spring motor and actuated by sliding start/stop lever to his back, the bear turns his head from side-to-side, opening and closing his mouth, and walking forward with a growl produced by a friction disc from the motor.
With glass eyes, carved and sharply cut bone teeth, painted ebonised feet. 
9.1/2in. tip to toe, 6.1/2in. toe to head - (24.1 x 16.5cm)
Point of interest -
Renowned for their creations of animal automatons, this cute and cuddly antique bear is sometimes incorrectly referred to as a toy.  This is an adult piece which would have been placed on the table after dinner to enthrall the host's invited guests.


STOCK No1406
Antique Walking bear automaton by Roullet Descamps
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Antique Walking bear automaton by Roullet DescampsAntique Walking bear automaton by Roullet DescampsAntique Walking bear automaton by Roullet DescampsAntique Walking bear automaton by Roullet DescampsAntique Walking bear automaton by Roullet DescampsAntique Walking bear automaton by Roullet DescampsAntique Walking bear automaton by Roullet Descamps
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