Aide memoire with watch, photographic portrait and notebook

An interesting and unusual aide memoire.Set in white metal with Cupids engraved on the cover marked 'Holy FRS'. With a loop atop, to attach a chain, set white a very small watch, with gold hand and arabic numerals. The back cover marked Depose, Brev 27428.

Upon opening there is a pad to write on, a picture portrait of a lady, open one side reveals a mirror with a tiny book with notes and further portraits. A very unusual and sweet item. 


Size:  5.5cm Long by 3.5cm wide and 1.4cm high


French Circa 1880

STOCK No1716
Aide  memoire with watch, photographic portrait and notebook
Aide  memoire with watch, photographic portrait and notebookAide  memoire with watch, photographic portrait and notebookAide  memoire with watch, photographic portrait and notebookAide  memoire with watch, photographic portrait and notebookAide  memoire with watch, photographic portrait and notebookAide  memoire with watch, photographic portrait and notebookAide  memoire with watch, photographic portrait and notebook
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